Pure Pup Shop Awards Doggles Flotation Vest

Pure Pup Shop Awards Doggles Flotation Vest

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© A.J. reader copyright on file
Lola Enjoys Swimming
 with Family Fidos

Water dogs. What's not to love about 'em? They certainly keep our lives lively and fun. We teach them to swim; they learn to love it; and then they thank us by getting out and shaking all their liquid onto us! And thank goodness that they do. If they didn't come out of the water, we'd be frantic, upset and powerless to help in the deep, dark depths.
© Carrie Boyko
Tanner Enjoys his New Vest
That's why a flotation vest is so very important when swimming in open water. There are many dangers lying beneath the surface that can surprise a dog. Boat incidents are especially precarious when Fido doesn't know how to ask for help if he's hurt. Thanks to Pure Pup, one lucky dog has won a new Doggles flotation vest with a patent pending chin support. This feature is unique to this vest and provides head support when a dog is knocked unconscious or is injured badly. 

© S.N. reader copyright on file
Raster's Best View!
I'm proud to have had the opportunity to share this great vest review with all of you and I encourage you to visit Pure Pup and purchase vests for your own dogs, if you are not the winner today. This small investment could mean the difference between a nice wet shower and a very sad day. Do it for your dog.

© S.D. reader copyright on file
Shiloh's Adventures Capture Our Imagination
Now, let's get to the good part, the announcement. I'm always a bit giddy when I click the button that makes Random.org do it's job. With 195 entries and 629 view, it seems such a big decision to leave to a box of paper slips. I'm happy to have technology that can allow me to share  the winner's name as Sandy D. Congratulations! You will receive an email from me soon. Please reply with your mailing address and phone number, dog's chest measurement, breed and weight. We look forward to helping him have many happy swims. Best wishes with your water adventures and please send photos. We love fan mail.

Full disclosure: No purchase was necessary to enter this drawing. I reviewed this product when I received a sample to test. The opinions I have presented are my own.

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