Dog Books for Children a Popular Pick

Dog Books for Children a Popular Pick

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
(c) K.K. reader copyright on file
Rory Enjoys a Good Read
© A.J. reader copyright on file
Lola Enjoys Boxer Story
Who has read A Dog's Purpose? I'm just about to finish it, so please don't give the end away. What a great book. Watch for a review and a giveaway soon. Thanks to Rory for her photo with the book.

Lola has been eager to share her love of reading as well.  I particularly loved that her mom was reading her a Boxer book in the photo at left, since she is a Boxer. How appropriate! 

Meanwhile, Tanner wants to give away some kids books. That's where his heart is. A group of 4 books for early readers will go to the home schooling family of Boondocks. Sounds like a great place for books, don't you think?

© S.G., reader copyright on file
Who Knows if this is Schooner or Skipper?

I wish I could give away dog stories forever. Watch for more books coming soon. Now let's share a couple more photos that were such fun with these kids book giveaways. Happy reading!

© A.J., reader copyright on file
Lola's Mom Enjoys Reading too!

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