Green Dogs Enjoy New Collars from Pure Pup Shop

Green Dogs Enjoy New Collars from Pure Pup Shop

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

© A.J. reader copyright on file
Lola's Dots Are Falling Off her Collar
Each week you guys make me laugh with your fun captions and cute photos. I always wish I could give one of every product to each and every one of you. At the very least, I do enjoy sharing the photos that you send me. I hope you do too. 
© JB, reader copyright on file
Belle Says her Collar is OLD!

The Eco Dog collars offered by Pure Pup Shop were most certainly a big hit. Two hundred eighty-one of you read the post so far and there were 208 entries in one week. Thanks for your many comments and for visiting Pure Pup's site, Facebook page and Twitter. I know they will be pleased to see your support in pushing their Twitter followers up by 21% and their Facebook "Likes" up by 26%. That's some great growth and we hope they will keep working at it. 

© SG, reader copyright on file
Schooner & Skipper are Up to Silliness Again!
Would you like to see another product review from them in the future? If so, drop in at their FB page and let them know. I know you all loved the flotation vest review we did a couple of months back. Tanner really enjoyed modeling for that event.

This week's winners are Jennifer B., Amy O., and Jill W. I'll be in touch to get your dog's neck measurements, address and phone number for shipment. Watch for an email from [email protected]. Happy tails!

- Leashlocket Lovers Worked Hard For Their Wins
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © c.j. reader copyright on file Owners Love this Idea:  Let Fido Carry His Own Leash!Who knew? I suppose I've become accustomed to carrying Tanner and Oliver's leashes after we arrive at the dog park. There was a...

- Dog Safety: Pet Qr Tags Keep Tabs On Fido
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © S.G., Reader copyright on file Who Will Get the Pet QR Tag:  Schooner or Skipper?© C.J. reader copyright on file Lily Enjoys a Toy, Safe at HomeI suppose next week we'll be watching as Schooner and Skipper fight over...

- Treats And Dog Bowls Galore: Barksters & Dolce Diners Winners
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © S.P., reader copyright on file  Share and Share Alike © C.R reader copyright on file Lily Enjoys a BoneIt appears that my readers agree that Loving Pets serves up healthy treats with great accessories, just like the title...

- Pure Pup Shop Awards Doggles Flotation Vest
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © A.J. reader copyright on file Lola Enjoys Swimming  with Family Fidos Water dogs. What's not to love about 'em? They certainly keep our lives lively and fun. We teach them to swim; they learn to love it; and then...

- Active Dogs Win First Aid Kits From Show-me Animal Products
by Carrie Boyko, CEB © C.D., reader copyright on file Reader Participation Makes our Giveaways Extra Special! © A.C. reader copyright Lola is Active! You guys just never fail to thrill me. Every morning when I visit my reader email box...

