Active Dogs Win First Aid Kits from Show-Me Animal Products

Active Dogs Win First Aid Kits from Show-Me Animal Products

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© C.D., reader copyright on file
Reader Participation Makes our
Giveaways Extra Special!
© A.C. reader copyright
Lola is Active!
You guys just never fail to thrill me. Every morning when I visit my reader email box there is something fun and energizing awaiting me there. Thanks for all of your enthusiastic entries.

Although I have already announced the winners at the original post using the Rafflecopter widget, I just couldn't let all these adorable photos go unpublished. Although they have graced the pages of my Facebook site recently, there are so many that I just had to share a few here.

© S.D., reader copyright
When I decided to take on this First Aid review, I was not aware of what an active bunch you are. Some of the photos did a good job of sharing your love for the outdoors. Of course we all know that even a couch potato can get injured at home, so our winners will be well-prepared.

If you're not one of the lucky three, I encourage you to prepare a kit for your pup emergencies, or purchase one from Show-Me Animal Products. I love this company for their mission. While it rallies around helping animals, they also help disabled adults find work, as all the kits are assembled by these special-needs folks that are able to put the kits together. It's makes me feel good to support such a business.
© A.C. reader copyright
Lola Practices Good
Water Safety

This is just a sampling of the fun pictures we received. Be sure to stop by our Facebook page if you'd like to enjoy the rest. While you're on Facebook, drop in at the Show-Me Animal Products' page and tell them I sent you. 

Today's winners of the three first aid kits are Denise V., Shilohsmom., and Ashley C. You'll receive an email from [email protected]. Be sure to reply soon with your mailing address so we can ship out your First Aid Kit next week just in time for your Fall Leafing hikes. 

Thanks again for all your participation. Have you stopped by Fido's Freebie Friday yet to see what sort of new goodies are up for grabs? Check it out and be sure to take another peek later on or over the weekend. Linkups will continue through midnight tonight. My giveaways are open through next Thursday. Happy tails!

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