LeashLocket Lovers Worked Hard for their Wins

LeashLocket Lovers Worked Hard for their Wins

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© c.j. reader copyright on file
Owners Love this Idea:
 Let Fido Carry His Own Leash!
Who knew? I suppose I've become accustomed to carrying Tanner and Oliver's leashes after we arrive at the dog park. There was a time when I would hook them to the fence. Unfortunately, when owners began reporting theft of their leashes, I stopped leaving mine at the gate. 
© A.J., reader copyright on file

With LeashLocket you can simply snap the handle to Fido's collar, where a snap-on attachment is connected, and off he can run to play, carrying his own leash. Your hands are free to take photos, throw a Fetch ball, or pet visiting pups. What's not to love about that?

Thanks to all of you who participated--all 176 entries are much appreciated by the folks at LeashLocket, and they are loving their Facebook and Twitter increases as well. Their review and giveaway here has helped their Twitter numbers climb by an astounding 29%! Good job, you guys!

© s.d., reader copyright
The two lucky winners of a LeashLocket are Shalana H. and Ashley C. You will both be notified by email tomorrow.  I'll need your address, phone number and the Leashlocket size you will need: Small, for dogs up to 55 lbs., or Large, up to 90 lbs. Choose from black, royal, pink and red. Your Fido will be stylin' this holiday. Watch for my email from [email protected]. Happy tails!

Full disclosure: A LeashLocket was provided to me by the company for this review. I was not paid to evaluate the product or write this review. No entry was necessary to win. The opinions shared here and in my review are my own.

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