Traveling Pups Draw Big Crowd for Solvit Organizer Giveaway

Traveling Pups Draw Big Crowd for Solvit Organizer Giveaway

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© s.d. reader copyright on file
Shiloh Experiences the Ocean
 for the First Time
It seems that the folks at Solvit brought out the travel lust in my readers. You guys have sent in some wonderful photos of travel, as well as other excitement, this week. Thanks for your enthusiastic efforts. We enjoy them all. 

In fact, I enjoyed them so much, I set some of them to a slideshow for you all to enjoy. My only frustration in this was that I couldn't get all the adorable captions to show up. You'll have to visit my Facebook page to see them. I hope I didn't miss any pictures. Please know that photos on FB do not work well with this application. If you want your pictures to be featured on the blog, your best bet is to email them to me at [email protected].
We do love seeing them at Facebook also...thank you so much!

It's hard to miss the fact that Shiloh's mom was very dilligent in her efforts this week. She tells me in her emails that she's a busy traveler and Shiloh always accompanies her. I suppose that makes her very happy and I'm pleased to announce that Shiloh's mom and Lola's mom have won the two giveaways in our Solvit Travel organizer promotion. Lola is not in any of these photos, yet she did submit some for the children's book giveaway this week. You may enjoy seeing these precious pics of Lola's mom reading to here big Boxer!

© Carrie Boyko
Oliver  Hits the Road Soon Too
These two lucky pups and their moms should enjoy packing up for future travels in their kit that hold food, bowls, a BPA-free water container, and plenty of room for all Lola and Shiloh's important things. We think Shiloh, Lola, Skipper and Schooner need a towel for all their water activities! Best wishes to you all. Please watch your email for a request for your address, coming soon from [email protected]. Happy travels!

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- Dog Walkers Delight In Doog!
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