All Things Dog Blog Introduces Our Rainbow Bridge Memorial

All Things Dog Blog Introduces Our Rainbow Bridge Memorial

by Carrie Boyko
(C.M) reader copyright on file
Inspired by Early Grayce Young
After a particularly sad day, Dr. Pat and I had a pow wow. We lost our first patient...well, sort of. When a reader loses a dog, we feel the pain, as well. What could we do to help our readers, who have lost a beloved companion, move toward peace again?

A memorial is our solution. This page, linked in the sidebar by Early Grayce's photo, will take you to our version of the Rainbow Bridge. You'll find a video with the story, set to beautiful, soothing music. At the end, an inspiring image embodies the idea of the Rainbow Bridge.

Here you will find the photos of All Things Dog Blog's readers' dog photos--the lost ones that they miss, loved and would like to remember always. This is the place where they can count on always visiting their loved one.

Knowing that many of us like to offer an inspirational gift to a friend, when their pet passes on, I have included a link to Dr. Pat's book, More Than a Pet, offering help for future preparations, along with All Thing Dog Blog's Rainbow Bridge Resource Roundup, which is a collection of books for folks of all ages. From workbooks for children to  poems and stories for adults who have lost their companion, to novels about wonderful best friends, you'll find a wide variety of books to choose from. I invite you to visit our Rainbow Bridge Resource Roundup for yourself, or for a friend or loved one in need of inspiration.

Instructions for submitting your own fallen angels can be found in the sidebar of this page, or on the Rainbow Bridge Memorial page, as well as at the bottom of this post. You will be able to visit your best friend as often as you like.
© reader copyright on file
Dedicated to Early Grayce

Dedicated to Early Grayce Young, our first fallen pup, you'll find the photo just above this line in both the sidebar and on the memorial page. Another pup shares the dedication of the page; Allie Woo Woo is the first dog to be shared on our RESCUING ROVER column that has left her owner. She and Early share top honors on the memorial page, for helping Dr. Pat and I plan and execute this way to share your joyous moments with the rest of us.
© A.N.M. reader copyright on file
Dedicated to Allie Woo Woo

We look forward to receiving your pup's photo. You may send it to [email protected], with a note in the subject line: Rainbow Bridge. Include your best friend's name, and his age or years on this Earth. If you like, feel free to include an additional sentiment of your own, a quote or saying, your dog's philosophy for living, or perhaps a short poem or verse. We'll do our best to include your brief addition to your pet's memorial on the Rainbow Bridge Memorial at All Things Dog Blog. The page has only just begun to populate. Visit often if you wish to see others' lost pets. I like to think of them playing in the warm sunshine, just as the story explains. Happy tails to all our readers, and thank you for continuing to inspire us to add more to All Things Dog Blog. Happy tails!

© Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved
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