#ASmartCookie Giveaway Names Winning Dogs

#ASmartCookie Giveaway Names Winning Dogs

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Yes, Please!
Introducing a new dog treat is such fun for a dog blogger. But imagine how enjoyable it has been for Oliver and Tanner to taste test these new goodies and give you their opinion. Could there be a better job for a dog? Absolutely not!

Later today I'll be offering a more thorough review of these delicious treats, so be sure to join me for another opportunity to learn, as well as a chance to win at #OrganicPet, our Twitter Party for Castor and Pollux. 

I suppose you're eager to learn the names of today's winners. These 6 pet parents 
and their Fidos will each be given the choice of their 4 protein source options--chicken, beef, lamb or salmon--and receive a box of 6 bags of Jerky Chip Cookies. Oh happy day!

Our winners are N. Duvall, T. Terra, Daraya, L. Glickman, T. Spaid, and K. Volz. We're eager to see some photos from these delighted pups when they taste #ASmartCookie. I'll be in touch with each of you today via [email protected]. Watch your Spam file!

And, for those of you who were not lucky today, mark your calendars to join in at
#OrganicPet Twitter Party on May 4 for a chance to learn more about Organix products and win $750 in prizes including treats, food and tasty, wholefood supplements. Tanner and Oliver have already tried these and can't wait to share their thoughts--coming soon.

Stop back this afternoon for the complete review of #ASmartCookie.

Happy tails,

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Castor and Pollux Pet is providing and shipping the products for this fabulous giveaway as a precursor to more fun on its way. I have not been paid to provide this giveaway, but I do host an advertisement from this terrific company, thereby making them a site sponsor. All opinions that I share come directly from my dogs' reactions and my opinions.

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