Winners: Jerky Chip Cookies from ORGANIX

Winners: Jerky Chip Cookies from ORGANIX

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Oliver Celebrates #ASmartCookie!
Jerky lovers in the canine world are all abuzz. Safe jerky really does exist if you know how to look for it. We've selected organic, USA-made jerky for our dogs from the folks at Castor and Pollux, the makers of ORGANIX pet foods. The chips in the Jerky Chip Cookies (aka #ASmartCookie) are made of USA-sourced and made jerky, meaning your dogs are safe from the dangers you're hearing about in the news.

As I continue to work on our daily Yoga practice, the dogs are enjoying joining me at the mat for organic yummies. I'll admit, I excel in bribery. What dog wouldn't want to join me when a bag of ORGANIX Jerky Chip Cookies is sitting within reach? My dogs are not stupid! They quickly figured out that if they spend this time bonding with me and even joining in occasionally, I will reward them for their affection and effort. Both Tanner and Oliver have found that there is a way for them to participate. Check out the photo below to see more. It's a Win-Win!

So, I guess I don't have to tell you that I've been having all kinds of fun staying in shape while bonding with my dogs. If you'd like to join in, you'll find our short, instructional #Doga videos at this link. Don't forget to bring a bag of Jerky Chip Cookies along to assure you'll have a furry companion. :)

Now it's time to name those winners. These 3 lucky pups will have the opportunity to enjoy two full-sized bags of Jerky Chip Cookies, compliments of my sponsor--ORGANIX. I'll send 2 bags to each winner from an assortment, so these pups will get a fun surprise. The winners are Leigh Ann B., Sharon G. and Em M. Congratulations! Watch your email (and spam file) for a message from me requesting your shipping information. 

If you'd like to learn about ORGANIX, Castor and Pollux, Jerky Chip Cookies and yoga with your dog via your favorite social media sites, here are a few to visit:

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As a primary advertiser, ORGANIX provides me with occasional giveaways for you, so if you want to thank anyone, please thank @CastorPolluxPet via Twitter and Facebook. All opinions and information offered here and in my reviews are totally my own, and those gleaned from Tanner and Oliver. #wink

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