#OrganicPet Prizes Go Extreme!

#OrganicPet Prizes Go Extreme!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

courtesy ToDogWithLove.com
9 Prize Packages
Look Like This!
Does your dog love chicken? Beef? How about lamb or salmon? The Jerky Chip Cookies have you covered, but what about the other goodies in these prize packages? 

Each of our first 9 winners will receive a prize package valued at about $70, shown at left. In each will be a bag of all 4 flavors of the Jerky Chip Cookies, 5 cans of Butcher and Bushel meals, a 5.5 lb. bag of ORGANIX Grain-Free, and a can of the new Natural Ultramix canned wholefood supplement in either Pumpkin or Sweet Potato. More details will be coming on all these prizes, so watch for the reviews rolling out in the next 2 weeks.

Along with All Things Dog Blog's reviews, our Event Barkers team members--DogTipper.com and ToDogWithLove.com will each be sharing a variety of information on the products to be featured at the Twitter Party, so be sure to check out their versions of the upcoming fun. The #OrganicPet Twitter Party is sure to be educational, enjoyable and prize-laden, with a total of $750 in prizes!

Our Grand Prize winner will get a similar, yet larger package to include the food of their
Eenie, Meenie, Minie, Mo
Which Can First?
choice in a larger bag or the equivalent in cans. This prize will be valued at $120 so be sure to mark your calendars for May 4, 8 PM to 9 PM ET. 

We're excited to share more details about the Butcher and Bushel meals as well as some ideas for using the pumpking and sweet potato supplement that Fido is sure to love. Stay tuned!

Just to make sure you have not missed an opportunity to win a pre-party prize, you may want to click right over to our giveaways going on now. You can RSVP to win, PreTweet to grab a prize package, or enter the social media widget for more options and opportunities. After all, who doesn't like to win?!

Here's to your #OrganicPet,

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Event Barkers is producing this Twitter Party on behalf of Castor and Pollux, their client.  As my primary advertiser, I am providing my services for this Twitter Party gratis. Prizes will be provided and shipped by the sponsor. 

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