ORGANIX Jerky Chip Cookies for Dogs

ORGANIX Jerky Chip Cookies for Dogs

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
A Moment to Reflect...
Castor and Pollux's ORGANIX brand brings you organic treats like no other. And right now they're rolling out their newest line of delicious cookies for dogs--Jerky Chip Cookies. These delicious yummies are baked with real meaty chips of USA-made jerky and organic ingredients to assure your dog is getting the very best.

These new delights are available now in PetSmart stores in four fab flavors: chicken, beef, lamb and Salmon. No matter what your dog's preference, you're going to find that this line of treats has everything going for it.

Jerky lovers have been nervous lately due to press about foreign-sourced jerky that has been found unhealthy for our pets. That's why ORGANIX is now making these treats with only USA-sourced jerky chips, allowing owners to give their dogs the taste and consistency they love along with the safety they need. 

Crunchy and easy to break into smaller pieces, these treats are perfect for a mid-day power snack since they are high in proten and packed with organic goodness for ultra nutrition. All four flavors meet the requirements to be certified organic, meaning they include at least 70% organic ingredients. And psst...the Chicken cookies are 95% organic. Wow!

Tanner and Oliver have clearly given the Jerky Chip Cookies a full 4 paws up rating. I've had to place the remaining sample bags on high shelves to make sure there's no counter surfing going on! 

Want to learn more about these treats that will have your dog drooling? Join us for #OrganicPet, another Event Barkers Twitter Party for pet parents. We'll have a team of experts there as well as bunches of prizes totaling $750 in all. Prize packages will include treats, food, and wholefood supplements. I'll be back tomorrow with more details on the prizes, so don't miss it. :)

Happy tails,

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Event Barkers is producing this Twitter Party on behalf of Castor and Pollux, their client.  As my primary advertiser, I am providing my services for this Twitter Party gratis.

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