Thank You Readers, for Helping Us Graduate to the Next Level...
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Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET
(c) photo copyright Toni Boyko 2008
Oliver Graduates
from Puppy Preschool
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For what? For reading my blog!
Yesterday we reached a landmark goal--50 visits to the blog in one day. While we have been inching in that direction for a while, it was most certainly exciting to see it finally happen. Oliver, Tanner, Xena and I are all very thankful to you for visiting our little corner of the Internet. Please come back again soon, and visit often.
While you're here, please take us up on our offer for a free subscription in the upper right of the sidebar. Just fill in your email address and with a few quick clicks you'll be receiving all of my posts in your email. Just that easy.
Of course, you can still visit to see what's new in the sidebar, take our polls, and make comments. We would love to hear more from you. Keep up the good work!
PS. Do you need help setting up an RSS feed for our posts to come to? Drop me a line and I'll help you out. You can email me at [email protected].

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An Aloof Pomeranian Provides A Trainer's Challenge
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET I'm going to let the cat out of the bag, here. I've been on the hunt for a trainer to write a column of the ASK THE TRAINER sort. After watching, reading, and communicating...
Keeping Dr. Jacki Busy!
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET Today's post is a great big thank you from me. It has been such a breath of fresh air to add Dr. Jacki to this blog. Particularly meaningful have been the letters that have...
Welcome To The Easier Access All Things Dog Blog: What Does This Mean To You?
Find us at Facebook Follow us on Twitter (c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2009 My Pack is Celebrating the Success of All Things Dog Blog Hello Dog Lovers! I am very excited to tell you that All Things Dog Blog is moving up in the world. Without...
The Dog World Turns To Franchising
Follow me at Twitter Everywhere I look lately, in pet services guides, the Yellow pages, and even the newspaper, I am finding more and more franchised pet services businesses. Groomers, trainers, boarding and daycare, pet sitters, veterinarians,...
It's Vacation Time For Me...
You guessed it. Summer is here and so is my whole family. Three kids are all home with special friends and we've got lots of plans for family fun. Don't worry, dog play will certainly find its time in our schedule, along with plenty of water...