Welcome to the Easier Access All Things Dog Blog: What Does this Mean to You?
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(c) photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2009
My Pack is Celebrating the Success of
All Things Dog Blog
Hello Dog Lovers!
I am very excited to tell you that All Things Dog Blog is moving up in the world. Without you even knowing it you have just visited our new, upgraded site. What's new? What's upgraded? Good question!
Every time I am asked the name of my blog, people just look at me sideways when I babble off the long name. As of now, I have gotten through the Google gods' website and red tape and am officially a DOT COM. What does that mean to you?
Easier access! Now, if you are not a subscriber, you simply type in ALLTHINGSDOGBLOG.COM, and you're there. If you ARE a subscriber, congratulations on your smart choice. You will never have to type my name to read my articles. My posts will come to your email box all by themselves--like magic! (HINT: Subscribing is as easy as 1, 2, 3, in the upper right side of the blog.) Either way, it's much easier and I'm thrilled to be able to offer this to you all at no charge.
One more thank you before I shut up. Your interest in the ASK THE VET column has been quite noticeable. Dr. Jacki is one busy lady. Thanks for your questions, and keep those emails coming to: [email protected].
You can continue to support this free website by visiting my sponsors and clicking on ads of interest to you. Anything you purchase through my site from Amazon, Google or others will help to cover my costs of providing this website free of charge. I thank you in advance for your support and encourage you to let me know your thoughts at the COMMENT link below each and every post. Your opinions and ideas do count.
Happy tails,
Carrie BoykoXena, Tanner and Oliver too!
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This Just In: All Things Dog Blog Author Releases Interview To...
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Free And Fun: New Features At All Things Dog Blog
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Thank You Readers, For Helping Us Graduate To The Next Level...
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Introducing Dr. Jacki, Our Ask The Vet Columnist
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