Keeping Dr. Jacki Busy!
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Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET
Today's post is a great big thank you from me. It has been such a breath of fresh air to add Dr. Jacki to this blog. Particularly meaningful have been the letters that have flowed in. It is delightful to hear from so many of you.
Dr. Jacki has been graciously answering your letters and I would like to give all of you a bit more help. First of all, I've added a page link to all of Dr. Jacki's posts in the ASK THE VET column. The link currently is at the top of the sidebar, under Dr. Jacki's photo. You'll notice also, that I have added her practice's website link, 4 Paws House Calls.
Prior to now, this link was accessed anytime you clicked on her photo, but I wanted to make it a bit easier to find. I do hope, if you are interested in locating a vet who makes house calls, that you will give Dr. Jacki a chance to visit and get acquainted. At her website, you'll find information on her services, products and contact information.
While some of you have continued to write with questions for a trainer, I am still on the prowl for the right person. If you know someone, please send them my way. Meanwhile, I'll answer those questions that I am able to, and save the rest for an expert. Keep those questions coming for Dr. Jacki:
[email protected]. I love to hear from you all.

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Ask The Vet: Tuberculosis And Dogs
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog (c) photo copyright Carrie BoykoAll Healthy Here! HI Doc, Can humans get tuberculosis from their pets (like...
Ask The Vet: Puffiness Under A Dog's Eyes
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog Dr. Jacki AddressesKeeping Your Collie Healthy Dear Dr. Jacki: I just wrote to the trainer too. It is nice that this blog has a trainer and...
Looking For A Trainer? Let's Test Drive This One...
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Ask The Vet: "scooter" May Be Trying To Tell You Something...
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Ask The Vet: Dog Illnesses And Their Owners
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