Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop Draws 60 Entries: Slideshow Included
by Carrie Boyko, CEB
There's only one really good way to thank all the pet bloggers that rallied to participate in yesterday's successful Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop--a slide show. Watch for your darlings in the slideshow and enjoy seeing your fellow bloggers' cute pups. Clearly we are a group to be reckoned with, as this was a grass roots effort that you guys came through on with extreme enthusiasm. Thanks to everyone who participated. I had an absolute blast watching the show come in one by one.
Finally, I would be remiss if I did not tell you how sincere and effortless your comments were. I enjoyed each and every one immensely. I laughed. I cried. I even found myself shouting all sorts of silly ^&*()$%^&*(). Yeah; you get it. It was great, and I plan to return next year with the 2nd annual event. Anybody interested in co-hosting?
Before I close, I have to tell you that my dogs ate peanut butter cookies for dinner tonight and slept like babies. Hilarious, huh? I guess they really were good. No complaints from my gang. Did anyone else try them yet?
We all need some sleep! I thanked my boys with Super Bowl XLV hats. Aren't they cute?
Upcoming Recipe: Carob/Walnut Valentine "Mock" Chocolates for you and Fido
Latest Guest Post at FIDO Friendly: Peppermint Pups--Natural Ways to Keep Pests Off Fido
PS. I apologize if anyone got missed in the slideshow. One came in very late and I've added it just below so you can enjoy a homemade cheesehead hat! A couple of links were broken and I'm creating this show slightly before the close of the hop. It's been a very long day.  |
© courtesy Sew Doggie Style |
(c) Carrie Boyko This is How it's Done, Oliver |
(c) Carrie Boyko Well, Clearly I Can't Wear it.... |

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