National Dog Day is Here: Take Your Best Friend on a Long Walk........
by Carrie Boyko There simply is no better way to celebrate your love for your pooch than a nice, long walk. You'll both feel stress-free and relaxed after the exercise, ready for a peaceful day, or perhaps a special occasion day of play.
If I could ask my troupe what they would choose to do on National Dog Day, here's what I imagine they would say:
Xena:"Short walk, long nap,
big dinner"
Tanner:"Long walk, dog park trip, swim and play fetch"
Oliver:"Long walk, play with Jacque, busy bone"
How would you guys like to share your National Dog Day fun with us. Visit our Facebook page and post a picture of your pup's day at this link. Now, let's see if I can pull off all my packs' requests.
My surprise for you? Here's a slideshow of all my readers' dogs. Well, I hope I got them all in here. If you're missing, send me your pic at [email protected]. Thanks!
A note to all you folks who like to get out and active with your dogs. Our sidebar includes an extensive list of links to event calendars for many dog sports. Just click and enter your location to find an upcoming event near you. Now go have fun with your dog!
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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved
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