Come One. Come All!It's the Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko My Grandpa is a Packers Fan-- Me too! |
Need help coming up with a photo idea for the Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop? You're not alone. I've gotten tons of emails this week saying "I don't have a football or a jersey; how can I get a shot?" Here's a few tips for you football challenged households:- Sign on to the NFL website and position Fido in front of the computer. "Say cheese!"
- Grab the sports section of the newspaper and find a Super Bowl Story with pictures. Fido can 'read' the paper while you snap photos of him looking adorable.
- Bandanas in your team's colors work great to create the image you're going for: Packer's fans choose Green and Gold or Yellow. Steelers will love Black and Gold.
- Make a poster to show off your team spirit and snap Fido's picture in front of it.
You can find more information on how to get involved, link up, submit photos, and even find photo tips, at our Super Dog Sunday Blog Hop 2011 site. If you're a blogger, grab the badge code at the top of my sidebar, or at this link.
And NO, you do not have to be a blogger or have a dog to participate! All pets are welcome. Just send your pictures to my email at [email protected] and I'll make sure they get posted on my Facebook page. Be sure to check in and see your adorable furry friends throughout the afternoon, and get into the conversation.
Can't get enough hopping? Jt Clough is also sponsoring a Blog Hop, encouraging her readers to get involved in a Super Bowl Game Day Walk Event. I'll be posting over there also! She's got a whole program going, so be sure to stop in and get the scoop from my K9 Coach friend and fellow blogger. Together, we're going to make Super Bowl Sunday Barking fun history!

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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