Snoopy's Creator Honored
by Carrie Boyko, CEB Charles Schulz's creation, Snoopy, is by most estimations, the most famous Beagle in history. Today marks the 10th anniversary of Schulz's death. Not surprisingly, his syndicated comic strips continue to run in newspapers, a tribute to the characters he gave life to in the 1950s.
Snoopy belonged to Charlie Brown, although this was not made evident until sometime after the beginning of the series. Snoopy's most adorable additions to the movies and comic strips were likely his fancying himself as a World War I flying ace. This is how I remember Snoopy from my childhood, which closely paralleled Schult'z career.
While reading about Snoopy's characteristics recently, I was surprised to learn that his one regret was that he was not a Golden Retriever. I'm sure Tanner would be proud to know this and will have some comments at 5 Minutes for Fido, where he and Oliver love to share commentary on my posts and generally act silly.
For this week's drawing we'll be changing course a bit in our giveaway process. Rather than drawing from our rolling drawing box of names (from the beginning of the weekly prizes), I'll be drawing 2 winners' names from this post's commenters, and those that comment on this article at my facebook page. You may enter as often as you wish at either location, or both. In addition, you may enter at Tanner and Oliver's blog, 5 Minutes for Fido, where you'll see that they have some thoughts about all of this famous dog stuff too. Are you ready to see the booty now? |
(c) Carrie Boyko Snoopy, Are You in There? |
(c) Carrie Boyko Board Books are Great for Babies and Preschoolers |
I didn't remember Snoopy's typewriter until I opened this book. He was a writer; how cool. All 3 books in each set are adorable, and perfect gifts for that young child in your life. Who's first?
Don't want to wait to see if you won? Click one of these and search through thousands of Charles Schulz's books at Amazon. You're sure to find just the right one for your Snoopy fan.
Monday is Valentine's Day, and I'll be serving up a special Mock Chocolate candy for Tanner and Oliver that you may wish to try. It's super delicious for both you and your dog, and safe too. Remember to stay away from chocolates--bad news for Fido. See you Monday for our yummy goodies and a recipe you'll treasure.
Today's post is a blog hop. Be sure to stop in at our hosts to check out their entries, leave a comment and then go have fun hopping. Linking up is optional, but it sure is fun! Your hosts for the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop are Life with Dogs, Confessions of the Plume, and Two Little Cavaliers:

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