Pet Product Reviewsand Giveaways Piling Up
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko Oliver Snoozes on the Job Guarding the Carrier He Will Review |
In the wake of my attendance at Global Pet Expo, I find I'm in need of another garage or a warehouse. My plan is to give it all away as prizes when I review each item, so I'm going to need some help from you guys. Are you ready for some giveaways?
They're going to get bigger and better, so maybe it's time to subscribe, huh? Subscriptions are FREE and everything you need is in the top right of the sidebar for email subscribing or RSS. Google Friend Connect is at the bottom of the sidebar, if you'll be keeping tabs that way.
My advice? Visit the blog each weekend and check the "Enter this Week's Drawing" widget in the sidebar to find out what I'm giving away. This is the image you'll click:
You may also want to check the "List of Winners" link, just beneath that image, to see if you won anything in the most recent drawings. Sometimes my readers are surprised when they win something after entering a comment months ago. What fun it is to hear from them. "I won! I won! How?"
Just in case you're new to these parts, here's how drawing entries work at All Things Dog Blog. Each comment on a giveaway post here on the blog, on my Facebook page, or on Twitter, gets you an entry into the drawing box. If you choose not to leave a link to contact information, you'll either need to check back in a week to see if you won here, or send your email to me at [email protected] so I can notify you of your winnings. If I can't find you, it's hard to ship your package :)
Packages weighing less than 13 ounces qualify for International prizes. Those over this weight limit are available only to North American addresses (upper 48 U.S. States and Canada).
All that business aside, I have a question. With the daily visits from USPS, UPS, and FEDEX, I'm reasonably sure they think I've started my holiday shopping early or possibly I'm redecorating the entire house. Any clever retorts to the "I'm here with your package" or "Wow; you're getting a lot of packages these days" comments?
I considered a sassy reply such as "Yeah. They're all 'Pet' products!, but thought better of it. These guys know where I live, ya know? Help! |
© Carrie Boyko Oliver and Tanner Supervise all Deliveries |
And as always, don't forget to visit 5 Minutes for Fido, where Tanner and Oliver spout off their opinions and generally offer up silliness.Visit Adopt a Dog Park
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© Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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