Woof and Meow, Part II: How to Win our Prize Packages....and a Sneak Peek at What's to Come

Woof and Meow, Part II: How to Win our Prize Packages....and a Sneak Peek at What's to Come

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

(c) Carrie Boyko
The Prizes are Here
 and Well-Guarded by my Big Guy

So I guess I peaked your curiosity with yesterday's post, huh? You'd love to try the World's Best Cat LitterYou want to win that Litter-Robot that cleans itself? 

Strap on your seatbelt; there are a ton of ways you can enter. Check them all out:
  1. Send me an email to enter your name in the drawing: LetsAdoptaDogPark@gmail.com.
  2. Send me an email with a photo of your cat, his name and yours, to enter yourself twice in the pot. Your kitty will get a modeling spot on All Things Dog Blog’s Facebook page (no people faces, please! This is your Meow's chance to shine), and may even be included in one of the posts on the blog.
  3. Leave a comment on any blog post in the Woof and Meow series to get 2 entries in the drawing. Looking for the comment box? It's at the bottom of every post, to the left of the cute little envelope icon. It looks like this: "X Comments".
  4. At Twitter, you can follow All Things Dog Blog, World's Best Cat Litter, and/or Litter_Robot, each for an entry in the drawing. These links are repeated at the bottom of the post in red.
  5. You can also enter by visiting Give Litter to vote for free litter for rescues (it's free!). Check out their additional entry methods when you visit.
  6. Wait for it……The two biggest entry methods: Tweet about the Woof and Meow series at All Things Dog Blog to get 3 entries in the drawing.  Be sure to send me an email that you did this, so you get your 3 credits that you’re due.
  7. Send me a photo of your cat and your dog TOGETHER, for a whopping 3 entries in the drawing. If you do this early enough in the series, your very own Woof and Meow may have a chance at being in a photo for one of the posts. Now wouldn't that be fun!
  8. Finally, enter as often as you wish. I want these great prizes to go to someone passionate enough to put some effort into it. Get those engines purring......
Now that you're all set to enter, you can practice right now by commenting on THIS post. After you've entered, you'll probably wonder what's coming up next. I've mentioned posts, but what, where, and when? Here's a little peek at what's to come:
  • When? Posts will be each weekend through the end of the series, to be sure you have the best opportunity to read, and also to enter the drawings. Don't forget the social networks. All the links are at the bottom of each post.
  • Where? All the posts will appear on All Things Dog Blog, but there will be commentary at 5 Minutes for Fido, as well. My dogs have to get their 2 cents in, and often this is a little comic relief!
  • What? I'll start with some ideas to help with separating Woof and Meow while they learn better manners around one another. After all, they can't behave perfectly right from the getgo.
  • There will be lots of tips on decision-making and pulling this all together.
  • Best of all, I have some product suggestions that may be good investments in your furry family's ability to live peaceably.
  • Perhaps there are a few things to consider before you adopt another species?
  • A game plan for socializing a dog into a cat's home, and vice versa. This is some major stuff that will help Woof and Meow begin to become packmates. Don't miss this post; it's the meat of the series. But what about the dessert?
  • That would be the prize giveaway!
Enter the drawing at any or all of these sites:

All Things Dog Blog on Facebook  and  All Things Dog Blog on Twitter

World's Best Cat Litter on Facebook  and World's Best Cat Litter on Twitter

Litter-Robot on Facebook   and   Litter-Robot on Twitter

One last place you can enter is my dogs' blog: 5 Minutes for Fido
Visit Adopt a Dog Park
Help protect our precious dog parks
© Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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