Potty Park Indoor Dog Potty Giveaway
by Carrie Boyko, CEB  |
© Carrie Boyko ♫ When it's cold outside ♫ ♫ There's no need to worry cuz ♫ ♫ I'm so warm inside ♫ |
If you're here reading this post, you no doubt read about our giveaway in the Potty Park Review post. This is a grande prize for one small to mid-sized pup, up to 35 pounds. It's going to be a big hit, I'm sure, so let's offer a consolation prize for all the little guys out there that don't get to win. I've got a light-weight travel bag for small pups on the go, and I'll offer it with a few surprises inside, designed just for that small to mid-sized dog in your life.
Before we get started, be sure to stop over at our Facebook page and Potty Park's page to "Like" us. Then there's one last thing you may want to do. A Free subscription to our blog posts can be had with just a couple of minutes of your time. Simply click the subscribe button in the doghouse on the sidebar. You will be prompted to enter your email, etc. When you leave here, be sure to check your inbox. Open the confirmation email from Feedburner and click the activation link. This will make the plumbing work, so you'll never miss a post. That way you'll be sure to be kept up to date on all our events. You wouldn't want to miss a big giveaway or an important announcement, right?!!
Are you ready to go? Here's how to enter:- Comments here on the blog get you one entry. You must tell us why you want a Potty Park. You may enter once per household per day.
- Send me an @Tweet and tell me why you're entering.
- Send me a photo of your Rover to share, along with Rover's name and yours for 2 entries.
- After you visit Potty Park's site, tell us something you learned there for another entry.
- Finally, per Facebook's new rules, I am not allowed to notify you that you have won a contest by private message. It's up to you to leave me a contact method or check the blog on the announcement date. If I have a Twitter handle, an email or a blog URL to comment on, I'll get in touch with you at some point on the day of announcement.
I'm going to give you guys all the way through 5 PM Memorial Day to enter. Then I'll draw the winner and the consolation prize winner. The names will be announced on Tuesday, May 31. Be sure to check the blog; best of luck to you all.
By the way, have you checked in with Oliver over at 5 Minutes for Fido lately? He's a little miffed with me over the potty photos. Maybe you could leave him an encouraging comment? Thanks bunches!

Full disclosure: All Things Dog Blog has not been compensated to provide this review of the Potty Park. The Potty Park was donated for our review, but the opinions provided were our own.
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