Photos, Please!
© photo copyright Carrie BoykoSmile for the Camera, Tanner!
I am very excited to show off all of your canine best friends on my blog. I'd like to share their images while playing at America's dog parks. Those of us who worked so hard to get dog parks in our areas enjoy them regularly. It is my passion to share this good green family fun with others. As promised, I am back to fill you in on how you can have your dog's picture appear on my blog. All I ask is that you:
Submit photos taken at a dog park or dog play area with other dogs around. Show me your dog, other dogs, AND your dog park.
If you submit a photo with people in it, I will crop it to edit out faces, if possible. I CANNOT publish photos of people without their written permission.
Give me your dog's name(s).
I'll be happy to include your name as his owner, also, if you wish. If you do not specify this, I will not include your name.
Include the name of the park and its city and State.
Photos must be saved in one of 4 formats: jpeg, gif, bmp, or png. Other formats will not work with my software.
Email your photo, as an attachment, to me at
My promise to you is that I will not use your dog's photo for any purpose other than to be viewed on this blog, unless I ask specifically for your permission, and I will not give away or sell your email address. That's it. I just love dogs.
Since this is a brand new blog, your likelihood of getting your dog's photo on the blog soon will be greater if you provide it to me soon. As my readership grows, so too will the pile of photos. IF the response to this offer is great, it could take a long time to display each photo, so don't let any grass grow under your feet. Get to it and fetch those photos!
Big Dogs Like To Be Held Too
Tanner is rather an odd Unlike most big dogs, he loves to be held like many smaller ones. Or maybe it is simply that most humans don't hold their big dogs. That's probably it. © photo copyright Carrie BoykoTanner and I Play in...
Dog Park Greetings
© photo copyright Carrie BoykoThis Brittany Spaniel Puppy Is Having His First Dog Park Visit © photo copyright Carrie Boyko Hi! I'm Handsome © photo copyright Carrie BoykoHey, You Up There!You're Too Big for the Bench.Oliver is Always Right...
National Clean Dog Park Awareness Day
The first annual National Clean Dog Park Awareness Day brought out lots of canines and their families to my local dog park on March 22. Several of us walked the park and cleaned up left-behind piles and other trash. We left the park looking great, and...
Dog Dilemmas, Photo Thank Yous And More
Pounce HerdsHerd, Pound, Herd!Go Pounce Go! Let me start today's post by sending a great big thank you to Kim and Nancy for sending photos of their pups. Kim's Border Collie, Pounce, is seen doing his "job" of herding in the photo above. Isn't...
How To Take A Great Photo Of Your Pet
By Suzanne Alicie Our pets are an important part of our lives, and we naturally want to include them in our photo albums. Taking a great picture of your pet requires some preparation, some skill, and a whole lot of luck. Occasionally a snapshot of your...