Big Dogs Like to Be Held Too
Tanner is rather an odd Unlike most big dogs, he loves to be held like many smaller ones. Or maybe it is simply that most humans don't hold their big dogs. That's probably it.© photo copyright Carrie Boyko
Tanner and I Play in the Pool on a Cold Day
Tanner even enjoys being held like a toddler, as in the next two photos. Toni is his best buddy for holding like this. I'm not sure who enjoys it more, Tanner or Toni.© photo copyright 2007 Carrie Boyko
Toni Holds Tanner
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2008
Tanner and Toni
Love to Snuggle Like This
My Profile Picture
Tanner and I Show Off Our Mutual Trust
I'd love to share your photos of big dogs being held. Or little dogs on your laps. Any photos that you would like to share are welcome. Send them to [email protected]. I'm looking forward to having a Readers' Photo Post, but I'll need your help. Send those pictures in, so I can show off your furry friends.
The Rescues In My Life Tell A Story Of A Family
Have you ever noticed that you can remember the chronology of your life by the lives of members of your family--including your pets? "Oh yes, I remember, Aunt Eleanor's last Thanksgiving with us was 2008 when my mother brought Jacque along." She had...
Helping Your Big Dog Adapt To Playing Safely With A New Puppy
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko Oliver and Tanner Get Acquainted Let's start with some stats here. These photos are about 15-16 months old. Tanner, the Golden Retriever is 47 pounds in this picture, and still somewhat of a puppy himself at 1-1/2....
Let The Swimming Begin!
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko Xena Does HerPamela Anderson ImitationThe lifeguard is on duty, so let the swimming commence. Oliver is back in the pool now also, although not nearly as often as Tanner. © photo copyright Carrie BoykoOliver Looks...
Child Safety At The Dog Park
© photo copyright Carrie BoykoTanner and ToniDemonstrate Small Child Safetyfor Dog Park VisitsIt may seem common sense to some, but apparently not to all. Small children can be at risk in off-leash dog parks. This is not necessarily because of aggressive...
Photos, Please!
© photo copyright Carrie BoykoSmile for the Camera, Tanner!I am very excited to show off all of your canine best friends on my blog. I'd like to share their images while playing at America's dog parks. Those of us who worked so hard to get dog...