Dog Park Greetings
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko
This Brittany Spaniel Puppy
Is Having His First Dog Park Visit
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko
Hi! I'm Handsome
© photo copyright Carrie BoykoHey, You Up There!
You're Too Big for the Bench.
Oliver is Always Right in the Middle
of the Excitement
Every weekend is another adventure at the dog park. My pack comes home and sleeps half the day afterwards. There is nothing like working a party to wear out my gang.
If you are a dog park enthusiast, I'd like to invite you to visit Adopt a Dog Park, where you can learn how to help keep our dog parks clean and healthy during this difficult budget-crunching time for our local parks departments.
I collect dog park photos and have displayed many on Care 2 Adopt a Dog Park, where you can also start a discussion with other dog park lovers. We'd love to see your dog park photos, and you can share them there by creating your own photo album. Hope to see you soon.
Late Breaking News: My latest post has just been published on Central Florida Green Guide. I hope you'll find time to stop in and check out Green Family Fun: Let's Visit the Dog Park.
Herding Up Help: On The Road With Your Dog And Your Iphone
Find me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter Write to Dr. Jacki, ASK THE VET ASK THE TRAINER at All Things Dog Blog (c) photo copyright Alan Boyko 2009 Me and My Pack On the Road in Richmond, VA by: Greg Holsclaw, guest...
Did You Know I Love Dogs? And Dog Parks!
I love wondering what they're smelling when they sniff a spot for a long time. Their noses are supposedly a million times more sensitive than ours. I think, if they could talk, they'd tell us that Midas was just at this spot. Where is Midas today?...
Dog Park Fun: Wait For Me! I Want That Frisbee Too!
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko 2008 Oliver Races after TannerAs He Catches the Frisbee Like a Pro Poor Oliver! The Frisbee is bigger than he is, so there's just no catching it for him. The same goes for fetch with a tennis ball. He can't even...
Central Florida Green Guide Feature Story
West Orange Dog Park Just a quickie here to let you know that Central Florida Green Guide just posted my second article, in a series of three, regarding visiting the dog park. If you're considering a dog park visit for the first time, I would encourage...
Dog Park Fun Is Good For Everyone
© photo copyright Carrie Boyko Tanner is Greeted at the Dog Park There simply is nothing better than a good off-leash run at the dog park. For my guys, any dog park will do, just as long as they can be leash-free for a good run. Each of my 3 has their...