Celebrating Memorial Day with Your Dog

Celebrating Memorial Day with Your Dog

by Carrie Boyko

(c) Carrie Boyko
We're Ready, Mom
Xena is Napping
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Like many dog owners, I enjoy including my pack in whatever celebration I am having. Whether it be a costume on Halloween or a special bandanna or shirt, my dogs seem to get the message that something extra special is happening. I know, they sense it from my excitement, but that's all good when we have something special going on in our lives, even if only a long weekend.

Memorial Day was set aside on this day to commemorate U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. A patriotic holiday requires a red, white and blue theme at my house--just for fun. But what else can you do to  participate with your pups in this remembrance of these special service men and women? Here's a few ideas:

Xena, Tanner and Oliver plan a day with their favorite girl this year. We're ready to celebrate her homecoming along with Memorial Day. Maybe just a cookout at home? Here's a plan you might enjoy, complete with a bunch of yummy recipes for your own cookout:  Kicking Back with the Dogs on Memorial Day.

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