Fetching Contest Time: How Many Balls Can Your Dog Hold at Once?

(c) Carrie Boyko
Tanner's Best is 3 Toys
But I Missed the Photo Op :(
One beautiful summer day Tanner managed to collect 3 toys and return them to me at one time. That was his personal best Fetch. One toy was a ring shaped floater that he managed to peg on a long, tubular-shaped toy. What a happy boy he was to return 3 toys in one jump from the poolside.
Another day Tanner collected a Frisbee-type ring along with a ball and a tube toy. These opportunities are few and far between. And my camera has yet to capture one. I'll keep trying.
What about your pup? Can anyone out there do better than 3? I'll give a fetch toy prize to the first reader who can capture a fetch of more than 3 toys. It doesn't have to be a pool fetch; ground balls or Frisbees will do just fine.
If I get multiple shots, we'll give a grand prize to the dog who collects the largest toys. Get those cameras rolling and send your photos to [email protected]. Who's first? Visit Adopt a Dog Park
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© Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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© copyright Carrie Boyko, all rights reserved

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