Video of Bosnian Girl Throwing Newborn Puppies into River

Video of Bosnian Girl Throwing Newborn Puppies into River

(Thanks to Dee Gostania for bringing this to my attention) Another month ends, but there is no end to mankind's madness and cruelty. The worse part is, even young teenagers are showing a total lack of love and compassion. And I thought girls are usually more kind hearted and loving, especially towards cute little creatures like puppies and kittens. But sadly, it seems the black hearts of the human race are proving me wrong.

Witness this video, apparently taken in Croatia, where this young Bosnian girl nonchalantly hurl a few puppies alive into a fast moving river. And worse still, she seems to be enjoying the whole process. And like those idiots who watched and filmed their friend throwing a dog off a bridge in Lithuania, in this case, her brother was the accomplice who helped filmed the entire process and even proudly posted it on Youtube.

I urge anybody who has any information about these two sorry excuses trying to pass off as human beings to come forward and report them to the local authorities. For their own future's sake, and for the sake of the human race, they ought to be taught a lesson.

Source: moneytimes

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