Old news, but the sad reality remains

Old news, but the sad reality remains

See how animals were subjected to the cruelty of mankind, all in the selfish name of progress and betterment of the human race. But, as a result, what sort of a human have we become?

A picture from the Silver Spring monkeys case, PETA's first investigation. The monkeys were placed in such restraining devices and their reactions to noxious stimuli (flames from cigarette lighters, surgical pliers that pinched their skin, etc.) were monitored. PETA first uncovered the abuse of animals in experiments in 1981, launching the precedent-setting monkeys case. This resulted in the first arrest and conviction of an animal experimenter in the United States on charges of cruelty to animals, the first confiscation of abused laboratory animals, and the first U.S. Supreme Court victory for animals in laboratories.
We abuse them for food, pleasure, experiments, and sometimes even out of curiousity. But little that we know that, for all the abuse we have inflicted upon them, it is now coming back at us full circle in the form of super-germs and mutated virii-strains that cannot be killed by any known drugs*. Namely, E-coli, the bird-flu, madcow disease, and the HFM - hand-foot-mouth disease.

Original report here.

* The over-prescription of antibiotics, the failure of patients to take the full prescription and the widespread use of low-level antibiotics in animal feed to increase corporate farm profits have all contributed to the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria - excerpt from Raw Food Life

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