Unbreakoball Giveaway!

Unbreakoball Giveaway!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Tanner's First Meeting

I hope you will all enjoy the game ideas offered at our Weekly Wag coming on Saturday. They were designed with this giveaway in mind, specifically for the Big Dogs! Don't worry, though, the games are easy enough to adapt to your diminutive toy breeds also. You'll just have to BYOB--Bring Your Own Ball!

This Unbreakoball is as tough a ball as I've seen. The company backs it in its toughness by offering to replace it if your dog breaks it. The ball comes in two sizes, both for larger dogs. My Papillon need not apply!

When our supply of giveaways arrived, Tanner wasted no time showing us how to pick up this tougher-than-nails ball. The holes allow a dog to grab it easily enough and Tanner didn't even give it a moment's thought. I trust your big dog will handle this feature much as Tanner has--with extreme joy!

Want to win an Unbreakoball for your big dog? Enter below in the Rafflecopter entry form and watch for our games on Saturday during the Weekly Wag. If you don't the entry form below the social media icons, simply refresh the post by clicking on the title. The entry form will promptly appear. Good luck and don't miss the Weekly Wag on Saturday for games that you and your dog are sure to enjoy together. 

Entries will continue through midnight on Thursday, Apri 26. Winners will be announced late on Friday, April 27. Happy tails!

Full disclosure: Tanner was provided with an Unbreakoball to take photographs for the Weekly Wag. We were not paid to provide this giveaway or our thoughts about the ball. No purchase is required to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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