Dog Supplements for Healthy Structure: Arenus Steadfast Giveaway

Dog Supplements for Healthy Structure: Arenus Steadfast Giveaway

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© All Things Dog Blog
Sad Faced Tanner Wants Another?
Did you miss the review yesterday? Please visit it here and learn more about this product which could help your dog protect his joints and soft tissues as he ages or during participation in high-activity fun. When you return, you can enter the giveaway if you wish. Those of you who prefer the sure thing can simply go the easy route and click here to purchase immediately, or use the this Store Locator to find a location near you.
© All Things Dog Blog
Mama May I?

I promised to give you some insight on the flavor and how Tanner and Oliver enjoyed the taste. When I opened the first blister pack, I was surprised to see Tanner come running to see what smelled so good. I'm not talking about a dog food smell, but more of a beef gravy sort of aroma. 

I quickly noticed that both boys will eat their Steadfast first, before digging into their kibble, when the Steadfast is placed in the bowl. I'd say that's a good sign that they like the flavor. 

© All Things Dog Blog
Tasty & Healthy Too
Today's giveaway will land a 30 day supply of Steadfast with three lucky winners. You know the drill; simply work the Rafflecopter, making sure to handle the mandatory entries first. Your feedback in the comments section is helpful to my sponsor, so be generous with your comments.

© All Things Dog Blog
My Steadfast Daily
Entries will be accepted through Thursday, April 5 at midnight. The winners will be announced here on the blog late on Friday, April 6. 
If the Rafflecopter entry form does not appear beneath my name below, simply click the post title to refresh and it should show up there in seconds. Good luck to you all!

Full disclosure:  Samples were provided for Tanner and Oliver to run a trial of Steadfast. We were not paid to review the product or to write about our experiences, nor were we compensated for the giveaway. All opinions are our own. There is no purchase required to enter the giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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