Dog Park Kit Giveaway: Get Out and Run for Fun!

Dog Park Kit Giveaway: Get Out and Run for Fun!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Are you seeing double? Nope! Tanner was in the last post with a batch of toys to give away, and here he is still posing. He has a rock-solid stay. I think he acutally likes getting his picture taken!

This giveaway is for my active readers to get out and play with their dogs. With cooler weather here, this is the perfect time for us to visit the dog park with Tanner. The summer heat in Florida forces us to make our dog park visits only on early weekend mornings, as the heat is so oppressive.

Weekly Wag ButtonThis prize includes a Toki Poki hat and a flying disc from Izea, which will both go to one winner. With the sun out of your eyes and a disc to throw, you and Fido can have some fun and both get some exercise. Watch for a Weekly Wag on disc dogs coming soon to my Saturday series. Have you signed up to win prizes by commenting on your own experiences with the Weekly Wag? If not, visit the announcement post here. This giveaway will be open through midnight February 9, and the winner will be announced on Friday, February 10, 2012. Good luck!

Full disclaimer: The items in this giveaway are conference swag (free samples). There is no purchase required to enter and US and Canadian entries will be accepted, with the exception of Quebec, where this giveaway is forbidden. I have not been compensated to give theseitems away.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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