Train Humane Day Coming Sept. 27

Train Humane Day Coming Sept. 27

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Jacque, Ready to Walk in Sync
Jacque Doesn't Pull Now :)
Say hello to Jacque. He's my mother's rescued Papillon. Gorgeous, isn't he? Well, he is beautiful when he's behaving, but there was a time when he could drag my poor mom down the road like a bulldozer. Yikes!

Recently when I met Alecia Evans I learned about a method that helps with pulling. There are so many training methods and tools out there that are harmful, especially to smaller dogs like Jacque that have a delicate trachea and neck. I was so glad to learn that traditional harnesses are not the only alternative.
I Think He Had Fun

Over the years, various trainers have recommended tools such as choke collars, prong collars, head harnesses (like the Haltie), and others. Funny thing is that most of these tools could be safe if handled properly as a trainer instructs. However, that's generally not how it plays out.  Most of us pick up a tool that is recommended and never really get proper instruction in using the product safely and effectively. There's a better way, a safer and more bonding way, a way that both you and your dog will find enjoyable.

Join me on September 27 when I'll be talking more about your options and why it's important to avoid some of the tools mentioned above. Tanner is honored to be one of the Train Humane Day Ambassadors, so he'll be here on the 27th. We'll be demonstrating how the front-clip harness affects a dog's insistence on pulling. It is truly amazing. See you on the 27th? 
Weekly Wag Button
Mark your calendar. It's a date you won't want to miss. Be there for your pulling dog. let's make sure the bonding walk plays out the way it should.

This post is a part of the Saturday Pet Bloggers Hop hosted by Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume. Feel free to link up your Saturday post here or visit one of their sites to read their rules of participation.

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