Pet Care By and For Seniors

Pet Care By and For Seniors

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Bacon and Eggs for Breakfast
A Saturday Tradition that Jacque is Celebrating!

As some of you may be aware, I have been caring for my mother's dog, Jacque, for much of 2013. He has integrated into our routines and lifestyle well, while also adding an additional reason to visit my mom. I take him to her home as often as both of our schedules can accommodate his visit, allowing her to spend time with him to maintain their bond. What do you think about their bacon and egg breakfast for a Saturday bonding theme? Jacque is wearing his Coupaw Halloween bacon costume to get into the groove. You'll find this costume available in their daily deals on September 29.

This exercise in bonding has become a special time for her and something that she can look forward to. Since mom's injury in January, she has struggled with walking him, but is now able to take him outside for nature's call. That allows him to stay for longer visits, something they both enjoy.

Yesterday when I arrived to pick up Jacque from his day of play with mom, she announced that he had been bathed, brushed, gotten a clean harness and leash, and was now quite suitable for a dog show. As he came around the corner, no one could have beamed more brightly than Mom, her pride of accomplishment so evident. She was proud of her work and her charge.

Helping my mother continue this bond with her dog is an important part of my role in caring for her as she ages. Not only does it benefit her and Jacque, it is good for me to see her delight in caring for him. But during this particular visit, I suddenly realized
another piece of the puzzle. I, too, need to put greater effort into bonding with Jacque. As he is likely going to be a part of our family for the foreseeable future, I want him to continue to view this joint custody setup as one that works happily for all.

Next month we have camping trips planned that will include the dogs. What are you going to do with your dogs as Fall approaches and cooler weather beckons? 

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Join us each week for the Weekly Wag bonding series, held during the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop. The hop is hosted by Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume. You are welcome to link up here, or check any of their sites for their rules of participation. Happy hopping! 

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