No More Pulling with Walk in Sync

No More Pulling with Walk in Sync

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
A Loose Leash Walk
 from Start to Finish--Dreamy!

As much as Tanner is a fairly well-trained dog and a great walking partner along with Oliver, he does have his moments. Recently when I met Holistic Dog Trainer Alecia Evans at Blogpaws, I shared my challenges with his occasional bursts of excitement over seeing a bird or a dog or a friend down the street, as we take our daily walks. Mind you, "friend" is a very broad term for Tanner. He defines this word as the old saying goes, according to my mother-in-law's rendition:

"I never met a stranger I couldn't call a friend"

When 70 pounds of exuberant dog comes barrelling down the street at you, one tends to look for a hiding place, or otherwise get the heck out of the way. Tanner just doesn't quite understand why anyone or anything would want to avoid him. He's a perfectly nice dog; why not wait up and let him get a good greeting in? He's clearly baffled by all manner of avoidance when he's enthusiastically trying to make friends.

courtesy Walk in Sync

That said, Alecia shared the science behind her Walk in Sync system. Apparently, dogs don't like pushing against pressure with their chests, so a front hook on a harness is ideal for pups who pull or want to take charge of the walk. I was ready to put this new tool to the test immediately. Why?

Why not! We're talking about a harness that doesn't choke, tug or otherwise potentially harm a dog. It's well-fitted, so as not to slip and slide, and easy to put on with connectors at both sides instead of the single snaps you find in most pet supply shops. I selected a beautiful robin's egg blue for Tanner and excitely looked forward to taking my first walk with him, after arriving home.

As instructed, I watched Alecia's videos that show off the system so well.  I found myself wondering how it could really be that simple. Just a few easy steps and Tanner would be under control, even when the ducks come out after a rain? No way!

Ready to Go, Mom?

Way! Our first walk was like an immediate turnaround. This is tough to admit. I bravely took Oliver along right after a shower left puddles all along the roadway. This is a favorite time to walk, when Florida temperatures drop and I can tolerate the heat. Surprisingly, Tanner was able to tolerate the birds splashing about in the puddles, as well as one new canine neighbor that normally would have sent him dragging me to meet the new fella. Who knew?!

I'm sold. No more pet shop harnesses for this excitable pup. I'm a Walk in Sync lover now. And there's more. My story continues as I've now acquired another Walk in Sync to assist my mother with her challenges at walking her energetic pup. I'll be back soon to share this story of Jacque's turnaround also. Be sure to join me. 

Learn more here:
Walk in Sync
Purchase your own Walk in Sync here
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