Romania: Horse Abused and Beaten

Romania: Horse Abused and Beaten

Thanks to Joaquín Marín Pacheco, who highlighted this on our Facebook page.

The videos shows a bunch of lowlife morons, supposedly Romanian, beating and working a poor horse so hard in cold winter condition that it collapsed out of exhaustion. Instead of showing any care or compassion toward the fallen animal, they continued to laugh and whip the horse repeatedly. The poor creature tried to stand up but was just too weak from the abuse to even do so.

Is this how mankind love and protect these humble servants who worked for us without any complaints? Is this how we repay these creatures who share the Mother Earth with us and allow us to make a living out of their hard work?

These videos are supposedly recorded and published on Youtube by Adrian Gica who claims he lives in the City of Canciu, Romania, in the region of Bistrita-Nasaud.

I plead to all of Stop Animal Abuse's readers, please take action, sign the petition - links below, or contact the relevant authorities for them to investigate and persecute these losers. They deserve some flogging of their own. (Source: )

Adrian Gica Youtube Channel

Embassies & Consular Offices

Sign Petition From Romanian Government

Sign Petition From Romanian Minister of Justice

Bistrita-Nasau Police Telephone: +40 0263203015

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