Blogger Films Himself Torturing Puppies

Blogger Films Himself Torturing Puppies

*WARNING* - Extremely Disturbing and Gut-Wrenching scenes. Parental Guidance Advised. Proceed with Caution. If you cannot watch the video for various reasons, read my description, and sign the petition. This is a serious crime the culprit is committing, and Google should not hide and protect his identity. Have a heart, Google.

Once again, I felt sick and numb after watching this video clip. Close to 20 minutes of senseless torture dished out on a poor defenseless puppy.

Apparently, this loser guy posted the video on his blogspot blog on 8th Feb 2011,, showing the video clip of the incident. He calls himself 'Asesino Knino', which means Dog Murderer, and said he was from the city of Badajoz. At the moment, the blog seems to be taken down and is no longer accessible. (Update: A captured version of the culprit's original blog post can be found here. It shows a very well planned and systematic checklist of the different methods of torture the culprit intended to inflict upon his victims. You can use Google Translate tool on right column of site for translation from Spanish. Thanks to Joaqin Marin for this very useful information.)

The video shows what appears to be a man wearing heavy boots, in an enclosed store room, no windows and very messy. He picked up a couple of puppies, both gagged at the muzzle with what appears to be industrial strength rubberized tape, strangled and choked them, and shaking them violently before throwing them to the ground. One after another, the poor puppies scurry to a corner of the room, cowering in fear. They appeared weak, and one of them looked like it was limping.

Then the culprit picked up a third puppy, which appeared to be the most seriously weakened among the three, and proceeded to torture it for more than 15 minutes.

Besides strangling and choking the puppy, he also held the flame of a cigarette light at the puppy's ear. When the puppy did not struggle much, the culprit seemed un-satisfied, and shook and strangled the puppy a bit, before burning one of the pup's feet, causing the puppy to struggle and cry.

The rest of the clip showed the man beating, choking, throwing the puppy, spitting on the face of the puppy, pressing his thumb on the puppy's windpipe, standing ON the puppy with both feet, putting a metal rod across the puppy's neck and stepping on the rod....

I just cannot go on with the description any longer.

Please, sign the petition, write to Google, join in the manhunt. This piece of trash must be brought to justice.

Care2 Petition Site.

Reporting Site in Spanish.
This very good site doing some detective work on the video in Spanish. Use Google Translate on right column to translate page. (Thanks Joaqin Marin!)

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