Mass Strychnine Poisoning of Dogs in Bali Indonesia (Full Video)

Mass Strychnine Poisoning of Dogs in Bali Indonesia (Full Video)

**Warning** - The following scenes in the video contains extremely graphic and disturbing scenes of suffering and death. DO NOT watch the video if you are sensitive to watching how mankind murder and take lives...

I felt lost for words.... but I cannot remain silent.... They call it mass culling. I call it MURDER. As you can see in the video, these poor helpless dogs went through extreme pain and suffering, running away in fear from their murderers, confused by what is happening to their body as their limbs started to suffer from spasms of cramps. Can you imagine the kind of pain you get in your calf or your foot when you have cramps? These dogs are feeling it all over their body, where there are muscle tissues, they felt the pain. I'm not sure about you, but as I saw the footage, I felt a pain deep down inside, too. This is just not right.

Strychnine poison takes 10 to 120 minutes for the symptoms to show after ingestion. And the victim dies slowly and painfully in up to 2 to 3 hours.
The muscles in their legs tightened so much that they couldn't even walk.
The muscles around their rib cage and lungs and heart eventually fails as they die slowly in pain from asphyxiation and exhaustion from the convulsions.

The Bali / Indonesian authorities have chosen one of the most painful and cruel methods to cull strays, or to take any life, for that matter! It is totally mindless and insane.

Please, take action, send the Indonesian authorities a strong but sensible message here, and sign the petition here to save the Bali dogs! (try not to use the generic template given as people will eventually not read it, see the message I sent below.)

Remember what Bob Marley famously said when asked why he still performed in a concert 2 days after being shot: "The people who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking the day off. How can I?"

My Message to the Bali Government
Animals feel pain and fear too. They are capable of love and sacrifice too. They feel happiness and sadness, too! Please, Indonesia, for humanity's sake, don't do such cruel things again.

For every bad way, there are always a dozen other better ways to do things. Why not consult with a local or international animal aid group to see what other solutions they can offer or how the government can collaborate with them?

Please, stop staining Mother Earth with more blood from her child.

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