Pupsicles are Back for Warmer Weather: Fruity Yogurt Chillers Recipe

Pupsicles are Back for Warmer Weather: Fruity Yogurt Chillers Recipe

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
A Quick, Healthy Treat
Sure to Please Your Pup
Ever since I made Paris Permenter's cheese and chicken treats, I've been up nights thinking of doggie recipes. Crazy huh? Today's idea sprung merely from a kitchen of over-ripe fruit and a container of yogurt nearing its expiration date. That's the perfect time to concoct something yummy for pups that love to experiment with new taste sensations.

There will be no more wasted food around here. It's all going to be turned into doggie delights! Want to try today's special?

Fruity Yogurt Chillers

© Carrie Boyko
Blend until evenly creamy and pour into ice cube trays. Freeze and them remove to an airtight container for periodic frozen snacks. These are great on a hot day, but be sure to serve on an outdoor patio or in a newspaper lined crate. They are a bit messy and would definitely stain flooring or carpet.

I have to admit after allowing Tanner and Oliver to lick my fingers, I decided to turn a bit of this recipe into a smoothie for me. After adding some ice and whirring it in the Cuisinart a bit longer, it became a delicious afternoon snack for all 3 of us. The boys didn't mind lapping theirs up from small bowls; who needs to wait for frozen? Something tells me these won't last long in the freezer.

On another note, I hope to see you all at my Easter Rabbit Adoptathon Blog Hop today. We'll be highlighting rabbits all over the country, just in time for the big bunny day. Need more info? Try my Help Desk.

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