Yogurt Pupsicles: Dog Treats to Celebrate the End of Summer

Yogurt Pupsicles: Dog Treats to Celebrate the End of Summer

by Carrie Boyko 
(c) Carrie Boyko
Yogurt Pupsicles
Made with Peanut Butter and Honey
You like frozen yogurt, right? So do dogs. Let's whip up a frozen treat for them to nibble on while we enjoy our last official long, summer weekend:

Frozen Yogurt Pupsicles

Add a container of plain, organic yogurt to your blender or food processor. Now comes the fun part. Choose from your refrigerator’s available supply to save money and use up leftovers: 

Mix briefly and pour into an ice cube tray, removing to a sealed container when frozen, to retain flavor. 
(c) Carrie Boyko
They'll be Ready in a Jif, Gang

Serve these yummies as an occasional treat, one or two, depending on your dog's size. Keep in mind, that they may be messy. I recommend serving them outdoors on a patio or in a newspaper lined crate. What better reason to spend a little crate time, than with a fun new frozen treat. For those pups that generally avoid the crate, you may find this is just the thing to turn it into their favorite place to laze around. 

What was your pup's favorite? Leave me a comment or drop me an email at [email protected]. Have some ideas of your own to submit for our site's cookbook?  I'm busy putting together a prize package for recipes, photos, and even a cookbook name. 

Send them in with your pup's name and photo. He has to get credit for all his hard work as your taste-tester, right?!!
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