Pups Will Play While Mom is Away; Otherwise Known As Dad is PupSitting

Pups Will Play While Mom is Away; Otherwise Known As Dad is PupSitting

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Throw It Already!
© Carrie Boyko
Oliver's Turn to Swim
I'm on the road, learning more at Barkworld to help me bring you an even better experience here. Of course, anytime mom is away, someone has to take charge of the "kids", in this case the dogs. They are in good hands with pops this weekend. The photos you're seeing here are reminiscent of earlier days when the pups have been caught in the act of enjoying their pops.

© Carrie Boyko
A Nice Warm Lap
I've left a supply of Busy Bones for dad to give the boys an afternoon bit of chewing pleasure. The leashes and poop bags are stored safely where dad knows how to find them and more importantly, Tanner's Fetch toys are organized out of his reach, waiting for the opportunity to get a workout in the pool. I have no doubt that will occur if Tanner has anything at all to do with it. His imploring looks always work to get dad out to the pool deck for some Fetching fun.
© Carrie Boyko
Time for a Walk

Oliver will be happy to have a brisk walk and a warm lap, alternating with the opportunity to pester Patches. While we do try to give her senior self some space from the little munchkin, Tanner makes a regular habit of opening the child-lock gate that gives her a section of the house in privacy from the youngster. He's great at opening it, but has not quite mastered the art of closing it behind him ;)

© Carrie Boyko
Patience, Tanner
This weekend the dogs' walks and dog park visits will be completely out of my hands. No routine; no expectations. Hopefully daddy will remember how much chow for each boy. When I return, it will be to a pooped pops and a couple of happy dogs. Lucky am I to have backup.

This post is part of the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop sponsored by Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume. Their rules for participation are as follows, copied from Life with Dogs' site on 9/27/11:
  • Link up your pet blog name and URL using the Linky Tool below. You only need to add your link once to be seen on all the Saturday Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week. Note that if your blog is not pet related your link will be removed. Also note that only one post per blog is acceptable, and links promoting giveaways that are unrelated to the pet blogger hop will be removed. This is a community building exercise and not a promotional vehicle – please treat it as such.
  • Grab the “Saturday Pet Blogger Blog Hop” button on the right hand side of this site and include it in your Saturday Blog hop post so that your readers will know what is going on. *Note – posting is optional. Feel free to just link and follow.
  • Follow your co-hosts listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool.
  • Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you’d like.
  • Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you’re from the blog hop.
  • Follow back when you get a new follower through the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop.
  • Make friends and grow. ♥

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