Multi-Toy Fetch: Tanner's New Mental Game

Multi-Toy Fetch: Tanner's New Mental Game

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© Carrie Boyko
Meet Red. Tanner's Toys Have Names!

© L. Glavin
Well, boss?
Tanner has become so good at Fetch that I began to notice he was getting less exercise when we play. Gone are the days when he romped around the pool with the toy in his mouth, celebrating his retrieval from the depths.

Tanner now dutifully returns the toy to my feet, and gazes at me with a stare, as if to say,

"Well, boss; when's the next toss coming, huh?"

© Carrie Boyko
Tanner Grabs Orbee
I began to wonder if I would soon have a couch potato on my hands, when one day I realized he may need an additional mental challenge. The game had gotten too easy and not as exhilarating. Enter the Multi-toy Fetch Game, our new invention.

Tanner's newest challenge is to remove all of the 4 toys that I toss into the pool at different locations, before I will toss any one of them again. Sounds easy, right? Not so much! This was definitely the mental challenge I had hoped for when I first tried it yesterday. I now have my ADD Dog back!

The Retrieval game looks something like this:
© Carrie Boyko
Double Fetcher:
Yellow & Gator
© Carrie Boyko
Relaxing with Firefly
This is going to be a long training period, I fear. Yet I'm excited to see how it goes and to learn what there is to learn from this new approach. I'll keep you posted. Please cheer for Tanner. He may be feeling like a bit of a failure tonight. 

This post is part of the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop hosted by Confessions of the Plume, Two Little Cavaliers, and Life with Dogs. Their rules for participation follow, as copied from Life with Dogs' site on 10/5/11:

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