Petstages Mini Nesting Mat Blows Out our Comments Record!

Petstages Mini Nesting Mat Blows Out our Comments Record!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© P. Smith
Paxton Pleads for a Prize!
I'm really proud of you guys this week. You brought out the big guns! As of this writing to prepare for the winners' announcement we have over a hundred entries for the 3 Mini Nesting Mats from Petstages. I am relatively sure Petstages is quite happy about that. Thanks!

© courtesy Petstages
Oliver thoroughly enjoyed reviewing this cozy, snuggly bedding and has decided it is definitely the place to hunker down when we have our afternoon thunderstorms here in Central Florida. BTW, did you see his slideshow over at 5 Minutes for Fido? He and Tanner have their own blog where they enjoy being silly. But this wasn't bad. Let's show it off here:

This adorable mat is made with a cushiony center and four flaps that all are different colors made in deliciously soft fabrics. They certainly appeal to my sense of enjoyment of color. Both times that Oliver has been "on camera" with the mat, he seemed to be clueless that i was taking photos and just set his sights on checking out all the layers and figuring out what was under each one. I think he would call it the 'mystery toy'.

© Carrie Boyko
It All Started Like This

I particularly loved the shot when he got himself all wrapped up inside the layers. He had no idea this was coming! I got a great laugh at his expense. First he got underneath the whole blanket, and then when he realized he was covered, he began to spin around. The next thing you know, he looked like this:

© Carrie Boyko
Swaddled Oliver

If you're wondering whether Oliver disliked this swaddling, think no more. He actually seemed to enjoy the feeling and we've found him looking much like this on several mornings after loud thunderstorms. I think Petstages may be onto something here.

I suppose it's time to announce the winners. Three of the 113 entries we got at our Mini Nesting Mat Review get to have one delivered to their door. The competition was fierce, diligent and hard-working. Bravo for Petstages lovers!

© C.M. reader copyright

The winners are Claudia and YoYo (that's Yoyo at left), Rebecca H. and Sharon A. I will notify you sometime on Friday by your method of contact. You will need to get back in touch at [email protected] with your shipping address within one week. Petstages will send out your packages. You may want to stop by their Facebook page and say Thank You! They have been absolutely wonderful to work with. 

Join us next Friday for our weekly collection of pet giveaways that we call Fido's Freebie Friday. I'll be featuring another Surprise Grab Bag, as well as more dog books. In addition, I have some new, very timely products to review that some of you may need. Don't miss our next round of great stuff!

If you had your heart set on a Mini-Nesting Mat, take heart. You can still order one through Amazon for a reasonable cost. Just click this ad and it will be on its way to you in no time:

Before I sign off, I can't wait to share with you some of the adorable "I Love Petstages" photos that our readers sent in or posted at our Facebook page. Two were displayed above, but I've got more to share below. We surely did enjoy all this enthusiasm; keep it coming folks!

© P.S., reader copyright
© K.M., reader copyright

© P.S., reader copyright
© M.S., reader copyright

© S.G., reader copyright
Skipper and Schooner

Full disclosure: All Things Dog Blog has been provided with a free sample to do this review of the Petstages Mini Nesting Mat. We have not been paid to provide our opinion of this product, and the opinion provided is our own.

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