Pet Projects: Helping Seniors Keep Their Dogs

Pet Projects: Helping Seniors Keep Their Dogs

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Puppy Oliver Bonded Early with "Grandma"
Having something or someone to live for is such an integral part of life for all of us. This doesn’t change when we’re over age 65. Pets add purpose to our lives and often are the only live-in ‘family’ that widowed seniors may have.

Daily pet care such as feeding, walking and grooming adds an element of parenting that is familiar and gives seniors a warm relationship with their pet. This companionship often builds on both ends, leaving the pair with mutual affection that keeps spirits up and brings purpose to both.

Many elderly citizens who have lost a spouse find themselves falling into a depression as their routine is disrupted and life appears to have little to offer. Adding a pet at this stage can be a wonderful way to brighten the days of a loved one, if they are capable of providing the necessary care for a reasonable period of time.

When my own mother called to ask me to help her find a dog, I knew our recent adoption of Oliver had really tugged at her heartstrings. Having left the little fella with her for puppy sitting on several occasions, it did not take long for her to envision life with a doggie companion. And obviously that vision was a good one.

We searched Petfinder for several weeks to locate a Papillon in our area. Mom had
Mom with Her Boys
gotten her heart set on mirroring the sweet little face of Oliver that she had grown to love. Her new dog, Jacque, has turned out to be a beautiful boy. Handsome just doesn’t do him justice. He has an exquisite face and an affection for her that is immediately evident when they are reunited.

Having recently been injured, Mom is going through a healing process and rebuilding her strength. Walking energetic Jacque has now become a challenge, but we’re here to provide backup care. Jacque has integrated into our family well, enjoying a familial relationship with Oliver and Tanner, while electing to see Patches as prey. Not to worry; Patches knows how to protect herself and we’ve taken measures to give her some space.

To protect Patches from Jacque’s approaches and him from her claws, we established a mid-section of the house to set up a gate. Her private space is located in the area that he cannot access, but she is able to easily jump the barrier if she decides to brave his chase in order to check out the upstairs, one of her favorite hangouts.

Both spend time on our large screened porch for physical activities like lizard chasing, checking out the garden, and encouraging Tanner as he swims and Fetches. Jacque has accompanied us to dog park outings, enjoys visiting the pet superstores, is improving in his leash walking manners, and especially loves having visitors.

One way we’ve helped Mom to continue on the road to wellness is by making sure she gets visits with Jacque. Whether she comes here or we bring him to check out his old toys, both light up with joy when they see one another. Clearly there’s a bond that gives my Mother a reason to do her exercises and continue to get stronger. Mom’s motivation is Jacque! 

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Join us each week for the Weekly Wag bonding series, held during the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop. The hop is hosted by Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers, and Confessions of the Plume. You are welcome to link up here, or check any of their sites for their rules of participation. Happy hopping! 

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