Castor and Pollux Creates #ASmartCookie

Castor and Pollux Creates #ASmartCookie

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
Introducing #ASmartCookie
Tanner and Oliver have been enjoying some new and different goodies lately, courtesy of our new sponsor, Castor and Pollux Pet. This is the totally awesome U.S. petfood company that brings you the Organix Brand of organic dog food. 

Maybe you noticed the banner ad above this column? These are their newest treats that we're so excited about. These 'puppies' are certified organic, making sure that what we treat our pups with is super duper pure. No more toxins for Tanner! Only organic for Oliver :)

With the Jerky Chip Cookies there's even more to be happy about for us pet owners. I'll be giving you a full review of this terrific product in just a couple of weeks, but for now let's see how the boys are enjoying them:

Here are a few quick facts about these Jerky Chip Cookies that may be of interest:
Now, how would you like to join in 2 contests to enhance your chances of winning bigtime? Right here on All Things Dog Blog we're giving away 6 cases (6 bags per case) of treats. Six winners will have very happy pups, savoring their favorite flavor of #ASmartCookie, as they will be able to select their choice of protein from the four options: Chicken, Beef, Lamb or Salmon. 

To join in the fun, you can enter the options offered below in the Rafflecopter. Keep in mind that sometimes our Rafflecopter is not such a smart cookie. It may be napping out of sight, but it will COME when called like a well-trained dog should. Simply click on the post title above to get it to wake up and join the party.

If you're really into the winning spirit, you can also join the photo contest at Castor and Pollux Pet by posting a picture of your dog enjoying his Jerky Chip Cookies. (Psssst...they're on the shelves at PetSmart) Be sure to use the hashtag #ASmartCookie to get entered into the contest pool. You can see the entries here.

The Rafflecopter will close at midnight Tuesday, April 15: D-Day for tax filers. Be sure to get your entries in before then so maybe you'll be among the lucky who win a case of #ASmartCookie. I'll announce the winners right here on Wednesday, April 16.

Good luck!

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Castor and Pollux Pet is providing and shipping the products for this fabulous giveaway as a precursor to more fun on its way. I have not been paid to provide this giveaway, but I do host an advertisement from this terrific company, thereby making them a site sponsor. All opinions that I share come directly from my dogs' reactions and my opinions.

*** Due to a glitch at Rafflecopter, the widget has been removed following the announcement of the winners. Sorry for any inconvenience.

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