#BarktoSchool Rafflecopter Flies!

#BarktoSchool Rafflecopter Flies!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© AllThingsDogBlog.com
Tanner and Carrie
Love the Walk in Sync System

Event Barkers' pre-party giveaways for the #BarktoSchool Twitter Party are officially all in gear, as today's post offers a Rafflecopter giveaway. This prize includes goodies valued at over $80, including prizes from each of our named sponsors and more.

You'll be seeing a review of the Walk in Sync system here this week. Be prepared to be wowed by the ease of its use, the professional videos that will help you understand the science behind the method, and the simple, 3-step process for getting your dog to walk in sync with you. Join me as Tanner and I show off our wonderful new tool.

Just to make sure you haven't missed a thing, be sure to check in with each of the host sites, as you'll find a variety of reviews and product highlights going on through the next 10 days. This is the best way to learn more about our sponsors and be ready to answer questions at the party. Did I mention there are prizes? Bunches of them!

Stop by these sites throughout the week to make sure you're not missing anything important. Surprises can happen! The grand prize keeps growing as we continue to prepare for the party. Wowzer; don't miss the end of this exciting event on August 12.

You'll find more at:

Paris and John's Country Home
5 Minutes for Fido
My Pet Allergies
Organic Journey Online

If you don't see the Rafflecopter entry form below, simply click on the title to refresh and it will appear at the bottom of the post.

#BarktoSchool sponsors are providing products as prizes for our winners and working with the Event Barkers team to help you learn more about their products and services. There is no purchase required to enter or to join in the Twitter Party on August 12. You must RSVP to win a prize at the party.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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