Mutt Monday: DIY Dog Training

Mutt Monday: DIY Dog Training

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Tanner will Fetch ANYTHING!

I'm just going to come right out with it: Last week's new beginnning of our themed Mutt Monday was a bit less than successful.  I have to give us all an out, however; Thanksgiving is coming and we're all busy preparing for family gatherings and so on. I'm going to give this new plan a shot well into January, so please feel free to offer your thoughts in the comments section.

As I mentioned last week, this week's theme is DIY Training. I could really get carried away here, so I'll just offer a few posts and let other bloggers chime in with their posts as well. I may revisit some of these early themes again later, so if you happen to miss out, no worries. We'll get back to them again.

Next week's theme, opening at 5 PM on the Sunday following Thanksgiving, will cover:

Tips for Multi-Pet Families

At the risk of being repetitive, I'm going to go over the new plan for Mutt Monday again here for those who missed last week's announcement. And don't forget to leave your ideas, thoughts and comments below as we continue to develop Mutt Monday into a resource that is useful for all.
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Before I go, I'm embedding a Tweet below so you can all help me get the word out. A little help please!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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