Mutt Monday for Multi-Pet Families

Mutt Monday for Multi-Pet Families

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Optimized MuttMonday BadgeWell, I guess I went and did it. I made a big deal about changing up the Mutt Monday format to a themed weekly event and then after a weekend of post-Thanksgiving recovery I completely forgot to post Mutt Monday. I hope you have not all fired me! May I have a second chance? Pretty puppy please....with a teacup Chihuahua on top?

Last week's Mutt Monday Themed was to be Tips for Multi-Pet Families, so that's what we'll go with this week. Next week's theme will be 

House and Crate Training

I just know you guys have tons of material on these topics. So dig through your archives and post your links. Let's pack a punch of helpful information today, and don't forget to share the code on your blog. That way you'll be spreading the love.

Anyone who would like to offer a theme for another week is welcome to leave  it in the comments section. Your input is always helpful. Happy tails and please do take a moment to share this Tweet to get the word out:

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