Mutt Monday Gets Even Better!

Mutt Monday Gets Even Better!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

Optimized MuttMonday BadgeGood Monday morning to ya! Tanner and Oliver and I had an idea yesterday. I've been pondering how to help my readers explore some of my oldies but goodies. You know, those posts from 3 years ago that have great information and tips. Suddenly Oliver and I both looked at each other as if it should have been apparent forever. Funny how these things happen!

After I spouted out the idea the boys seemed appropriately agreeable so here we go. As of today I'd like to invite pet bloggers to share their favorite or best posts here each week, along with a few of their current ones if they wish.

I was thinking about whether you'd like to have a theme each week. Care to offer your opinion on this idea? I'd love to hear your thoughts. If you're a blogger who will be linking up here, let me know if it will be helpful to share themes, or if you'd just like to wing it. I'm game for whatever you think will be best.

Now, for my readers, you get to weigh in here also. What do you think? Would you like to see a group of posts offered each Monday, always on a unique and similar theme? Perhaps you'd like to suggest some themes that appeal to you.

For today, I'd like to offer a suggested plan. Let's all link up our best post from this past week, and then add 2 older posts from the earliest months of each of our blogs. This will give our readers a hint at our roots.

The comment link is just itching for some action so please give it a workout. You and only you can make all these important decisions. Thanks for your input!

A matter of timing: In an effort to help bloggers find time to link up their posts, I'm opening Mutt Monday at 6 PM each Sunday evening and will leave it open through Wednesday evening. If you work on Monday, try to get your links in Sunday evening to allow all of our  readers to find you. Don't forget to add the code to your blog also. Good luck!

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