Doggie Housing Decisions: Selecting Your New Home with Fido in Mind

Doggie Housing Decisions: Selecting Your New Home with Fido in Mind

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© courtesy 12th St. David via
What Do You Suppose
 this Fella's Family Picked for Him?

Depending on how you look at our economic situation right now, you may say that times are tough. Considering the historically low interest rates, you may say it's a great time to buy a home. If your financial situation is such that moving is an option, this is a great time to purchase a home. Prices are lower than in years and mortgage rates are unbelievable. With that in mind we've been tiptoeing into the  "what's available" listings every so lightly.

Suddenly I'm realizing that selecting a home has taken on a whole new decision-making angle. When my children were young, the priorities were very different. Now I find myself wanting to check out the fenced-in yard for the dogs, swimming opportunities for Tanner, safe exploration areas for Oliver, street safety and neighborhood Fidos. 

Hopefully I won't run into any BSL with a Golden and a Papillon. That would really put a damper on things. And how exactly do I go about finding out if the neighbors are not just dog-friendly, but open to dog socialization. Tanner tends to pout when a potential playmate (aka anything on 4 legs) doesn't agree to a meet-n-greet. How could they be so aloof?!

Back to the house...Homes with an upstairs need to have steps with some degree of safety built in for Oliver. He's small enough to slide through open stairways. Yikes! While Tanner will be very eager to have window views from all sides of the house, this is not what I want for him. Sometimes it is best he not be able to see whatever it is he's hearing. (Don't tell him I said that!)

Our neighborhood bear has been known to keep him running from window to window, yet so has a neighbor walking a dog. 

I once read a clever, yet somewhat convincing article on the art of Feng Shui for dogs. Should I be considering the energy flow and floorplan for Tanner and Oliver? What if their proposed needs are different? Oh dear. This could really get sticky.

What are your suggestions on things I should be looking for? I need input here folks. Help!

This post is a part of the Saturday Pet Blogger Hop hosted by Life with Dogs, Two Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume. Their rules for participation follow, as copied from Life with Dogs' site on 11/8/11. 

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