It's Vacation Time for Me...

It's Vacation Time for Me...

You guessed it. Summer is here and so is my whole family. Three kids are all home with special friends and we've got lots of plans for family fun. Don't worry, dog play will certainly find its time in our schedule, along with plenty of water fun.

Perhaps some time off will provide needed inspiration for how to build in some site improvements that I've been pondering for a while. Meanwhile, you can check out All Things Dog Blog on its very own Facebook site, where I'm sure I'll be adding little blips of what's going on while I take a much needed respite. If you prefer Twitter, you can catch me at

When will I resume posting? Soon! Your best strategy for not missing anything is to subscribe in the upper right corner of the blog. It's free, and you'll receive only a confirmation email for now. Once you confirm, you'll receive my posts via email when I begin posting again.

Finally, during my vacation, you can catch up on your reading by visiting my archives in the sidebar. You can go all the way back to post #1 and check out anything you may have missed along the way. I hope you get a chance to enjoy this catch up time too. See ya soon!

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